Carnacki resonated with me immediately on my first reading many years ago. Several of the stories have a Lovecraftian viewpoint, with cosmic entities that have no regard for the doings of mankind. The background Hodgson proposes fits with some of my own viewpoint on the ways the Universe might function, and the slightly formal Edwardian language seems to be a "voice" I fall into naturally. I write them because of love, pure and simple.

The stories appear in four collections: HEAVEN AND HELL from Dark Regions Press, THE WATCHER AT THE GATE from Dark Renaissance, THE EDINBURGH TOWNHOUSE from the Lovecraft Ezine's fiction imprint and STARRY WISDOM from Dark Regions Press.

I love exploring the Occult Detective sub-genre, in the Midnight Eye Files stories, in my Carnacki stories, and with Sherlock Holmes and Professor Challenger. I intend to write a lot more of it.

THE DARK ISLAND novella in the Heaven and Hell collection is a focal point for Carnacki -- in it he has learned that the bounds of his research are much, much wider than he had previously thought. That's going to give me plenty of scope for further stories and explorations.

You may notice while reading that Carnacki likes a drink and a smoke, and a hearty meal with his friends gathered round.

This dovetails perfectly with my own idea of a good time. And although I no longer smoke, writing about characters who do allows me a small vicarious reminder of my own younger days.

I wish I had Carnacki's library, his toys, but most of all, I envy him his regular visits from his tight group of friends, all more than willing to listen to his tales of adventure into the weird places of the world while drinking his Scotch and smoking his cigarettes.

My Carnacki Fiction

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